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Fee structure & Enrolment procedure
Enrolment procedure
The Diploma in Bakery & Pastry Arts course is a year long course commencing from June 2025. We intentionally keep the batch size small to ensure that each student benefits from individual learning support. Seats are filed on first come first serve basis.
Step 1: Request an application
If you're above 18 years of age and think this course will help you achieve your goals, please fill out the form in the link below. We'll assess suitability based on the interest you demonstrate and your commitment towards this course. We'll mail you acceptance and share you the official application form.
Step 2: Submission & Enrolment
You'll need to print the application & fill it up completely. Please ensure that you have not missed out on any section. You can either submit the form physically in the academy or courier it to us, along with photocopies of necessary documents. After receipt of the completed application and booking advance, your seat will be officially blocked.
Step 3: Remittance of Course Fee
To facilitate ease of payment, the course fee is divided into two parts. On receipt of the first part of the course fee we secure your seat and process material requirements for you. The remaining amount is to be remitted before the course commences.
If there's a requirement for financial assistance, we can suggest funding options available and the processes involved.
Timing: 9am - 5pm Duration: 1 year
Course Fee
Rs.4,50,000/= (Plus 18% tax)
The fee includes student tool kit, books & training materials, uniform, course guide, training fee, guest sessions by experts for critical core skills, funds to curate real time experience, hi-tea presentation, mentoring sessions by experts, field visit, industry visit, masterclass by international artist, THSC assessment & certification charges
Booking advance: Rs. 1,00,000/= (To be remitted during the submission of completed application)
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